A beautiful example of a near death experience about Jesus

I arrived at the hospital to have my child. I had an exam, and the diagnosis was that I was overdue and the baby was tangled up in the umbilical cord. The exam precipitated some heavy bleeding, to such an extent that my hands and feet were turning purple.

The doctors started running around. They immediately put me in a wheelchair and rushed me to the operating room. From there, they gave me anesthesia and I began to fall asleep.

Then I thought I had woken up, but, looking around, I realized that I was now above my body. From above my body, I looked down and watched how the doctors were running here and there, doing things. Most importantly, they were giving me electroshock. Still above my body, I looked up and saw a strong, but not blinding, light. I felt drawn towards that light, and it seemed to send a bridge made of light to me. Crossing the bridge, at a certain point, I looked at my hands and feet and they were all right. They were no longer purple. I was wearing a white gown. I felt peaceful and was in no pain. I walked towards the light, and the closer I got, the better I could see some interesting people there, who seemed to be illuminated by a light that was coming from behind them.

I was just getting to where the people were standing when I saw them stepping aside to the right and to the left, revealing a person who had in his arms a bundle wrapped in a little sky-blue blanket. That person was Jesus! I was sure it was him! He had light brown, almost blond hair, a red tunic, something like a sky-blue cape and he was wearing mustard-color men’s sandals. He was not barefoot.

I started to get closer, and I felt so happy to see him! We stood facing each other and he extended his right hand toward me while holding the bundle in his left. I stretched out my own hand so he would take me with him. He stopped me by signaling with his hand. Without speaking, he communicated to me that it was not my time yet. He let me know that I have a mission on earth. At that moment, he gave me the bundle. It was a tiny baby! My baby! My child! A boy! Jesus instructed me to call my baby ‘Emmanuel.’ (That means ‘God is with us.’)

Right after that, I heard behind me a male voice saying: ‘Gorda!’ [literally ‘fat’, an affectionate nickname in Latin America]. ‘Gorda, wake up!’ When I awoke, there was the doctor, holding my hand, and my baby was lying beside me. I was in pain. I looked at my baby and he looked the same as he had when Jesus had given him to me. As for the mission Jesus told me about, over the years I realized that I do have the ability to help people.