Hug the world

I’m sure you’ve heard it said somewhere that dreams and imagination create reality. The idea of the imagination creating reality is everywhere, you hear it on the television, you read it on the Internet, it’s even in lots of the music. So if imagination creates reality then our imagination is so much more than it appears to be. If we imagine positive things then positive things will happen in our life. If we imagine negative things then negative things will happen in our life. Those little fleeting daydreams that appear to be nothing but dreams could very well be the precursor to our reality. If all that I’m talking about here is true then we must think so much more of our imagination and creativity. Visualising is so much more than it appears to be, we can actually use visualising to create the reality that we want to be our actual reality. I have personally come up with a idea that I call hugging the world. I visualise flying up into space and looking upon the earth. I then clear my energy and become as pure as I can possibly make myself be. I then imagine myself as a huge white angel with huge white wings. I then imagine the most purist and positive love and loving positive intentions as I Hug the world and wrap my huge white wings around the world. I believe 100% that when I do this I am genuinely doing good for the world and putting good positive energy and love into the world. I believe that if everyone in the whole world did this every day this would completely eradicate all negative and dark energy from the world and completely purify the world with love peace and joy. We know from so many different sources that it is imagination and creativity that shapes the world around us. This is more of a concept that I’m trying to make people realise. If everybody thought about it and realised that if they just did their part to put love and good energy into this world and to spread awareness of how much good intentions and good visualisations can shape this world to be a place of pure love. Just imagine waking up every day to the energy of pure love. We can do this! Start beaming positive energy into this world yourself and spread awareness of how to beam positive energy into this world. The gift of imagination and creativity is one of the most incredible gifts given to us by God. Let’s all wake up every day to the positive energy of pure love.