Incredible science of God’s creation
Would you believe that time flows at different rates in different places in the universe. Would you believe that the results of a experiment can be completely changed simply by knowing certain information. Would you believe that one object can instantaneously affect another object even if they are on opposite sides of the universe. Would you believe that an animal can be both alive and dead at the same time. Would you believe that information can be sent into the past. Would you believe that absolutely everything is a mathematical impossibility. God’s creation is so much more intricate and incredible than most people realise. Read on to find out how scientists have proven all of the above. As these science experiments can be slightly confusing and difficult to understand I will include you tube videos that draw them out using graphics to help you understand. Don’t be scared off by the complexity of these science experiments, they are easy to understand if you put your mind to it.
Why I am including science experiments on a spiritual website
The main reason I want people to know about these science experiments is because the results of these experiments are so amazing and incredible and they show that the way God designed everything is so intricate and amazing that it completely proves without a doubt that this world was extremely intricately designed by God, these experiments show you how incredible God’s creation is. Science is actually starting to prove the existence of God. I definitely think that these experiments can help atheists to realise that God exists because there is absolutely no way that a creation this incredible can just be a result of chance. These experiments also show that we as conscious observers created by God are so much more than most of us realise because of the way our consciousness interacts with reality.
Special relativity
e=mc2 is Einstein’s theory of relativity, this theory has now been proven. Special relativity focuses on something called “time dilation” which is the way that time flows at different rates in different places depending on how much mass and gravity there is. This has been proven in something most of us use every day and that is the global positioning system (GPS) this system works very simply by satellites placed in orbit around the Earth that send a timestamp signal that the GPS devices that we use such as cellphones simply triangulate your position by measuring the amount of time it takes for the signals to reach your phone. When they first launched this system it didn’t work, and the reason why it didn’t work is absolutely incredible. As it turns out time is running slightly faster down on Earth than it is in space where the satellites are this is due to special relativity. Because there is lots of gravity on Earth and no gravity in space where the satellites are time is running faster on Earth than it is in space. What they did to fix the problem with GPS is simply to alter the clock speeds on the satellites slightly in accordance with Einstein’s equation and then the entire GPS system worked.
The double slit experiment
The double slit experiment is where you must start if you want to understand quantum physics, it is a very simple experiment with an incredible outcome. Basically a photon gun that shoots individual photons through a barrier with two slits cut into it with a photosensitive screen on the other side of the barrier. If you don’t know which slit the photon is going through you get one pattern on the screen, if you know which slit the photon is going through then you get a different pattern on the screen which is absolutely incredible, just the fact of having some knowledge completely changes the outcome of the physical experiment and the pattern on the screen.
Quantum entanglement
Quantum entanglement is fascinating, nothing can travel faster than the speed of light however with quantum entanglement one particle can instantaneously affect another particle no matter how far apart they are, they can literally be on opposite sides of the entire universe and what you do to one particle will instantaneously affect the other particle no matter how far apart they are. This is literally beyond speed, it is instantaneous. To create quantum entanglement all you need to do is send a photon through a special filter and what you get on the other side of the filter is 2 particles which are quantum entangled. What you do to one of those particles will instantaneously happen to the other particle no matter how far apart they are. I like quantum entanglement because I like the idea that no matter how far apart things are from each other everything is actually linked and is one.
Schrodinger’s cat
Schrodinger’s cat is a very famous quantum physics thought experiment. First of all I want to make it very clear that no one is going around killing cats, this is simply a thought experiment and a very famous one that is called “Schrodinger’s cat”. The scientists conclude in this experiment that the cat is both alive and dead at the same time. The experiment goes as follows. You place a cat inside a sealed box, inside the sealed box there is a device, the device is a atomic particle that has a 50% chance of decaying and a 50% chance of not decaying, connected to this atomic particle is a device that will poison the cat if the atomic particle decays but if the atomic particle doesn’t decay then the cat will not be poisoned. Scientists conclude that until you open the box and make the measurement the cat in the box is both alive and dead at the same time. This is a perfect example of the way that the incredible laws of quantum physics do actually apply to us in our macroscopic world.
The delayed choice quantum eraser
The delayed choice quantum eraser uses a combination of some of the experiments mentioned above to prove that it is possible to send information back in time. The experiment uses the double slit experiment and quantum entanglement. Basically the two entangled photons are made to each travel a different length of time before they reach a detector, the particle that travels the longer distance is the one that defines the state of the particle, however the particle that travels the shorter distance knows beforehand what the state of the particle that travels the longer distance will be before the particle that travels the longer distance reaches the detector. The only way that this experiment can work is that information has been sent into the past. It is complicated however if you watch a video that draws it out and animates it and you have a basic understanding of quantum physics then you will understand it. I personally think it is the most incredible and fascinating experiment ever done.
Infinite divisibility
If you simplify existence it basically comes down to space and time, both space and time is point A to point B. Whether moving through space or time we move from point A to point B. It is actually impossible to get from point A to point B because it takes an infinite amount of calculations to do so. Point A to point B can be infinitely divided therefore it is impossible to ever reach point B, in fact it is impossible to even leave point A at all. Absolutely everything exists in space and time, both of which are mathematically impossible therefore everything is a mathematical impossibility.
How special we are as conscious observers that can make the measurement
You might have noticed that in these videos they refer to conscious observers making the measurement. One of the main implications of quantum physics is that consciousness is a intricate part of reality, you can even go as far as saying that without consciousness there is no reality. What is the point of having a universe if there is no consciousness to observe it, when God designed the universe he took this into account and God made consciousness a fundamental part of reality. Until something is observed by a consciousness it exists as waves of potential, it is the act of observation by a consciousness that brings reality into existence. We as children of God are consciousness, without consciousness there is no reality, that is how special we are as children of God.
The most amazing conclusion
You must remember that all these incredible and amazing quantum physics phenomenon that deal with tiny little particles etc do actually apply to us in our macroscopic world simply because our macroscopic world is created and built up from these tiny little particles. God’s creation is absolutely incredible and much more mysterious and fascinating than most people realise.
Everything exists in waves of potential before they are observed by a conscious observer. It is the act of observation that brings reality into existence. What people don’t realise is that the act of observation that brings reality into existence can be a conscious choice. That is the science behind all supernatural phenomenon. Take Schrodinger’s cat four example, before you open the box the cat exists as waves of potential, at the point where you open the box to see whether the cat is alive or dead you are not seeing whether the cat is alive or dead, you are choosing whether the cat is alive or dead. If people don’t realise that they can choose how the wave function collapses into particles of choice then the outcome of the cat being alive or dead is random. However if you know how quantum physics works and that everything is a conscious choice then you can actually start to affect the reality around you by your will and the most amazing thing is that there is actually science that backs all this up. This is the science behind telepathy, telekinesis, precognition, and consciously manifesting reality around you. I said to you in the beginning that God’s creation is incredible, I would definitely say that you didn’t think it was quite this incredible!
Thank you God
Thank you God for creating such an incredible and intricate universe for us, we are eternally grateful.