It is so important that we all make it
It is so important that we all try our very best to make it to heaven. We aren’t here on this world just to have fun, we are put here by God for very important reasons. I believe the most important reasons are to learn very important lessons and to hopefully show God that we have decided to purge all negative emotions and thoughts so we can hopefully make it to heaven where there is absolutely no negative emotions or thoughts. Heaven is a completely pure place, there is absolutely no place in heaven for any negative thoughts or emotions. Anyone who meditates will tell you that there are some negative emotions that we should choose to completely eradicate. Some of these negative emotions that we don’t need and we should throw away are hatred, jealousy, anger etc. Once you take control of your mind through meditation it is very easy to control your mind in a way that you can completely get rid of all negative emotions. Just choose to have no negative emotions or thoughts. Thoughts are easy to control, when you start to have a negative thought just simply stop thinking that thought, push it aside, and continue on to your next thought. I fully believe that works are just as important as faith. I fully believe that our works must be good in order for us to make it to heaven. We must help others, we must make sure that those around us are always happy, we must always set the example of forgiveness, we must try our best to never sin at all. It is so important that we all make it to heaven, there is no time to waste. We must believe in God, Jesus, and the holy spirit. We must be the best people that we can be by following the example that Jesus sets for us. If we believe in Jesus and we do our very best to always at all times be good people then we will be doing the best that we can to hopefully make it to heaven. I love to be positive but I do have to add that it is possible for us to fail this test. We must not let that happen. Now is the time to pick up your cross and follow Jesus, we have to make it! There is no time to waste. We are in school and we have to graduate to heaven, this is one test that we must not fail. All we have to do is follow the example that Jesus sets for us. By believing in Jesus and following his example we can be saved.