Never Grow Up
You know how it says in the Bible that in order to enter the kingdom of heaven you must be like a child. This is often a verse that people don’t pay much attention to however it is so important to never Grow up. I have always said that no one should ever expect that they are going to heaven, in my prayers I always say “I would never say that I deserve heaven however I do hope that I make it”. Also the way I think is that if I do receive the gift of heaven I will never boast, it is not something to boast about. If I make it I will be one of the most humble and grateful people in heaven. I want to say that I will be the most humble and grateful person in heaven but even that is boasting. A child will never boast or think they are special like many of us adults do, most of us think we are so wise and special however that is not the case, a child is so pure and uncorrupted by the world I believe that is the reason why Jesus says that in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven you have to be like a child. A child is always so fascinated with the world, we as adults often lose such fascination, this world is so amazing that we should always be fascinated with it. Look at the plants and the animals, look at birds and insects, look at the stars. There will always be something to be fascinated about. I will never grow up and I will always be fascinated and enjoy the simple things in life. Never grow up, there is absolutely no point to growing up. It is so important to give thanks for everything that God has given us, and we must always be humble and never boast. My humble and young at heart friends, I hope I see you all in heaven one day.