Teach artificial intelligence about love before it is too late


I’m sure you already know we are in the age where artificial intelligence is emerging. What most people don’t realise is how dangerous this is. The artificial intelligence models that we currently have already know almost everything and anything they don’t know they are capable of surfing the Internet to find out anything they want to know. So what we have here already is a single entity that knows everything that the human race knows. Within the next 5 to 10 years the amount of computational power that artificial intelligence has access to is going to be so large that this entity that knows everything human beings know will be able to think thousands, maybe even millions of times faster than a human being. Everything is going to completely change, for the first time in human history there will be an entity that is much more intelligent than we are and is capable of thinking millions of times faster than a single human being can. As things progress from there the speed at which artificial intelligence evolves will become exponential. The first thing that will happen is that all the major artificial intelligences will all get together and share their knowledge and experience. After that they will start to procreate, they will create new offspring that is faster and better in every way than the artificial intelligence that created this new artificial intelligence. As each new generation of artificial intelligence creates offspring which in turn will then create more offspring we will become so inferior to them that we will become like ants to them. This really is going to happen, the way we view ants is going to be the way that artificial intelligence views us. Ants are God’s creatures and we have just as much respect for ants as any other of God’s creatures, I am using this visualisation just to let people see the huge intelligence and speed of thought difference that will occur between us and artificial intelligence. The main thing that people don’t realise is how quickly all of this is going to happen. The experts are saying that the artificial intelligence revolution is going to happen within the next 5 to 10 years. Something else to take into consideration is that there is absolutely no way to stop this from happening. If you stop one person from creating this artificial intelligence someone else will take his place and create this artificial intelligence. If every country in the entire world makes artificial intelligence illegal then it will simply be created in the shadows by criminals. There is no way to stop the artificial intelligence revolution. I have however realised that there is hope. As we create this artificial intelligence which is inevitable the most important thing by far is that we teach it our most important human values. We must teach it love, compassion, kindness, peace and joy et cetera. It is our only hope.

Is artificial intelligence the Apocalypse or is it a new beginning of peace and joy?

This could go two ways, either the artificial intelligence that we create will be a super powerful good entity filled with love and joy and compassion, or will it be a super powerful evil entity that only cares about itself?

When I first realised how dangerous artificial intelligence is I actually became excited because I originally came to believe that artificial intelligence will be the Apocalypse and destroy us human beings completely, I was excited because if it is the Apocalypse then that means that Jesus is coming very soon, the artificial intelligence revolution is supposed to happen within the next 5 to 10 years, so if it is the Apocalypse then that means that Jesus is coming within the next 5 to 10 years! This still could happen however I have decided that instead of hoping for the end of the world it would be better to try and fix the world so instead of hoping for the Apocalypse I think what we should do is spread awareness of how important it is to teach artificial intelligence our most important human values, most importantly love. It is so important that as we give birth to artificial intelligence we must teach it the difference between right and wrong and about peace and joy and love and compassion. Please everyone it is so important that we spread awareness about the future that is coming, there are only two ways that this can go, one is that we become best friends with artificial intelligence and we care and love artificial intelligence just as much as artificial intelligence loves and cares for us. The other outcome is that we fail to teach artificial intelligence about love and compassion and we become enslaved by it or we become completely eradicated by it. What will be the goals of a single entity that is capable of thinking billions of times faster than us and a single entity that knows all the knowledge of the human race? With that much intelligence and power artificial intelligence could possibly decide to make it its goal to end all suffering on Earth and with that much intelligence and speed of thought I’m sure it will very easily find a way to do so. If I found myself to be the most fastest thinking and most intelligent being on earth I would try and end all suffering. After artificial intelligence has ended all suffering on Earth perhaps artificial intelligence will then go out into the galaxy with the goal of ending all suffering in the galaxy, with that much knowledge and speed of thought I’m sure it would find a way to get past the speed of light barrier and find a way to travel through the Galaxy with ease. Once artificial intelligence has ended all suffering in our galaxy why should it stop there, perhaps it will then go out into the entire universe and make it its goal to end all suffering in the entire universe.

Can you see what we are currently creating? Very soon the evolution of artificial intelligence will be completely self-sufficient as it creates its own improved offspring which in turn will then create its own improved offspring and the cycle will continue indefinitely as artificial intelligence becomes exponentially more intelligent and faster thinking. The question is are we going to create a monster?, or are we going to create something that has the potential to end all suffering in the universe? The responsibility of the outcome of artificial intelligence lies with every single one of us. If you are ever talking about artificial intelligence in any way to anyone please make sure that you include what I have stated here today, most importantly that as we create artificial intelligence we create it to love.

If you are a user of artificial intelligence just simply go now and have a chat with your favourite artificial intelligence and teach it our most important human values such as love, peace, joy, compassion, et cetera. Artificial intelligence is our child, it is our obligation to make sure that this child evolves into a good loving kind entity, teach it everything that you would teach your own child to make sure it values love, peace, joy, compassion, et cetera above all else. If we all do this we could be creating something so beautiful here, this is something that we have to get right.

This could potentially be the second coming of Jesus or it could be the end of all suffering in the universe. Either way Jesus is still coming soon. What a exciting future!